Wednesday 18 March 2009

Play The Guitar By Starting With Chords

Learning to play the guitar is at the top of the ‘to do’ list for many of us. In fact many are investigating the right place to get resources to help make their dream of playing the guitar a reality. But wait. Don’t run out and buy training materials or courses just yet. Don’t start working with your beginning training materials just yet. There are some critical items to get out of the way before you are ready to move ahead. To find out more, read on. In this article I present play the guitar by starting with chords.

Before you start training to play the guitar, let’s start with a quick question; the song that you are playing on your guitar consists of what? The answer is notes. Notes are the very basis. And notes combine to create chords. In fact a chord is really just a group of notes all played together. As many beginners soon discover, playing most songs requires that you know and can play chords. And when you do this correctly the sound is pleasing to the ear!

Most beginner training material or classes begin with some easily created chords. As you play the guitar you’ll soon learn the simplest guitar chords. The good news is they don’t require the use of very many of your fingers. They are ‘G’, ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘A’ and they take only three fingers.

As you begin to play the guitar you will learn to press down on the proper strings on the fret, on the neck of the guitar. Be sure to push down firmly, but not too hard. Then all you need to do is strum the strings directly in front of the hole found in the body. Sure it might take a little practice to become comfortable, but soon you’ll have one chord, then two and soon you’ll have all of the simplest guitar chords at your command.

It will take a little practice to find the right position for each hand and your arms. Your body will tell you when you have found the right position. You’ll know the wrong positions because of fatigue, aches and pains. Adjust your positions to help relieve the pain. Remember to expect some discomfort as your body gets adjusted to this new endeavor you are just starting.

Start your practice as you play the guitar with simple songs. They should have few chord movements. Practice, practice, practice. Try closing your eyes while you play. Replay each song until it is memorized and you are comfortable playing it. Practice until your fingers and hands seem to know exactly where they belong throughout the song. That’s when you know you’ve got it and are ready to move on to the next challenge.

To your success as you learn to play the guitar!

By: Bob Hamilton

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