Sunday 15 March 2009

Learning To Play Guitar Through Books, Videos And Software

Like for many out there who wants to learn to play the guitar, my journey towards learning the guitar had many ups and downs. I had took formal classes at $20 an hour. In addition, I was doing a group classical lesson too. While this method appears to be the best and easiest way ever to master the guitar, I found it really expensive and needed a lot of passion for guitar in order to be disciplined and sit down to practice. Furthermore, I was still a student. I had to think about my sports, studies and such. So, it was almost impossible to commit myself to a weekly class. Although, I actually did it, somehow, someway. I purchased the latest books, videos, and online software as well as software which were beneficial to me.

By using each of these different delivery methods I learned a bit, and am able to play many basic tunes on the guitar. Of course, I felt that some were useless, and some were good. This article contains opinions that are mine and may be or may not be similar to yours. So why talk further?

I still remember vividly that tuning the guitar in standard tuning was one of the toughest things to do! Still unable to do it for months, I actually practice on a wrong tuned guitar! Another major problem was playing chords. Even if you had not encountered any problems with this, the teaching of playing guitar is difficult to talk about on plain paper.

I fell in love with metal. I was listening to Trivium and found the guitar sound do beautiful that I decided that I wanted to be like them! I knew that I would take as much time as I could just to learn the songs and jam at a jamming studio because that was all that I wanted. I thought it would be real cool to play some flicks for a few of my friends whenever I meet them. This was when I started to look for ways to learn guitar. The Internet was not really good with lessons and such as it is today so I went to the music school and bookshops and bought a few musical books. It covered a little about music theory. What it failed to do was teaching me how to play! This was went all the problem started.

Another problem was actually reading the music. How did I know even know that I was playing the notes right? It was presented poorly in a horrifying manner which bores you to death. There was no one to correct me. You could just tricked yourself and say that you are right, when you are wrong. The biggest problem with the book method for me was a lack of easy diagram that showed me how the fingers were supposed to be and how the notes, bending and such were supposed to be like. Later on, many good books came with audio disc which could allow you to check if you played the notes right. This was a good improvement and help for everyone, without a doubt. Tuning was became much easier especially when electric tuners became cheaper, and I could listen to what the songs I was learning were supposed to sound like. However, problems still stayed after the introduction of the audio disc. I still felt that books are not the best method for learning to play guitar.

Then, I tried the videos. I could see and hear what the instructor was teaching. It was as though I had actually hired a teacher. Video close ups answered many of my questions on hand position and the nature of guitar playing. I was actually able to learn from the instructor and actually play some cool flicks. I found the rewind function very useful. I used it few hundreds of times to master difficult parts which I could not play in one whole short. However this method proved to be quite frustrating. The first was of course getting sick of it. You probably rewind it about 20times and there goes it, you get sick of it! The problem that I did not like the most was that you only learned to play songs that are on the tape. You will not be taught to play the songs you desire. At times, I would find this wasting of time because you are learning songs Another problem was the camera views of the clip. Some videos had lousy camera angles which could not let you see what the instructor is doing.

Now, on to the hottest way: Online software! Technology nowadays gives us the ability to purchase e-courses that allow you to learn at home, instead of wasting time going to music schools. It takes advantage of the tabs that are available free on the internet. This course overcomes the disadvantages of books and videos because it is dynamic. The software can also help you learn through fun means, instead of boring means. This is a cut over the other methods in my opinion. The main benefit with this method, and with this course in particular is that it is more interactive, interesting and engaging!

So what are the bad sides? The software will appeal to only some people. If they do not appeal to your likings, much of the content will be wasted. I have come across many bands/artists that many have tried to teach me although I am not interested. I still believe that online software is the best way to go to learn to play guitar. The interactive benefits are excellent. This is also a very easy way to learn!

By: Victor Chia

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