Sunday 21 September 2008

Guitar Slides, Bends, and Tricks

Guitar players use a variety of techniques to spice up their playing and keep the sound interesting. We are going to take a look at some of the more common techniques that guitar players use to add some flavor to their guitar solos. If you want to spice up your guitar playing you need to learn these techniques.

A bend is a very common trick used by guitar players. A note can be bended from a half pitch to sometimes several pitches higher than the original note. Guitar players such as Jimi Hendrix utilized bends to get that "screaming" rock guitar sound to come out of their guitars.

A slide is when you take your finger and slide it up a half or whole step, in some cases maybe even over the course of several frets in order to give off the sound of a note gradually increasing in pitch. Slides are commonly used in blues and rock. Not to be confused with a simple slide of the finger, slide guitar is a completely different form of guitar where a metal slide is worn on the hand and used to play the lead melody. Slide guitar can produce a very distinct sound and is common in blues and rock music.

A whammy bar is another way that guitar players can make a solo sound more interesting. A whammy bar, or tremolo bar, drops the pitch of a note and can be used to create that "dive bomb" sound that is so common in many guitar solos in music today.

If you'd like to learn more about guitar tricks, riffs, slides and bends, or would simply like to learn more about playing the guitar in general, check out

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