Sunday 28 September 2008

Buying Guitar Straps

There are several guitar accessories that you can't do without unless you'll be playing only in your bedroom. However, if you'll join those axe-slingers in front of screaming fans, then you certainly need to buy guitar straps.

There seems to be nothing much in a guitar strap or so it seems. However, if you've ever been on stage with the wrong strap, you'll agree with me that it can only be compared with attempting to cat-walk with a pair of shoes that hurt on a sore foot.

Guitar straps come in different types. There are guitar straps that are made of fabric and there are those that are made of leather. There are also custom designs, mass productions and designer guitar straps.

There are suede guitar straps; there are studded guitar straps. You can also find nylon guitar straps. Believe me, you can almost find a guitar strap made af anything that can be made into a belt.

You can spend a bundle on this if you want to get those that are associated with guitar greats. Don't expect to pay anything out of ridiculous if you can get a guitar strap that is purported to have been used or even touched by Elvis Presley (Let's not even go there).

So what do you have to take care of when buying a guitar strap? Here are a few...

First and foremost, you must ensure you get a guitar strap that's very comfortable. Any other consideration must be placed as secondary.

You can choose either special designer guitar straps that will give you a unique look and feel or you can go to any guitar shop and pick stuff that is good and comfortable.

Also make sure your guitar strap suits your music genre and personality. And finally, just note that until you become a rock god or some guitar idol, a guitar strap isn't one of those things you should take a mortgage for.

Bill McRea is the publisher of Guitar Warehouse the best place to Buy Guitar and learn Guitar Playing Techniques. Visit our site for over 60 Free Guitar Lessons and Information about playing Guitar.

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