Friday 10 December 2010

How To Pick Blues Guitar Using Bare Fingers Or Finger Picks - What's The Difference?

There are literally thousands, possibly millions of acoustic guitarists in the world. It's the most popular musical instrument by far, because it is easy to carry and it's relatively easy to produce a simple tune in a short time. I write 'acoustic guitar' as this is my instrument and I want to discuss finger picking styles.

Normally, electric guitarists use a plectrum of some kind to pluck the strings in an up down motion. Mind you, there are exceptions to the rule, such as Mark Knoppfler, who prefers bare fingers for both electric and acoustic guitars. His self-taught techniques caused Chet Atkins to comment "I don't know how he's doing it, but he can sure do it! "

You don't have to follow the herd - we can always make new rules. Nevertheless, we have to start somewhere. This starting point is generally focussed on previous master players. In the genre of acoustic blues guitar, this means people like Robert Johnson, Lightnin' Hopkins, Doc Watson, Reverend Gary Davis and many others.

There are many variations in style, but players who play in the finger style can be broadly divided into two categories - those who wear finger picks and those who like to use their bare fingers. Let's not take into account how many picking fingers they use for now. What are the differences in sound and what effect does a finger pick finger pick have on style? I've watched ragtime blues artists play competently with up to three finger picks for the right hand, not including the thumb! At the other end of the spectrum, some master pickers only use just one finger, either steel or plastic.

Bare Thumb Or Finger Pick

Broadly speaking, the pick gives a sharper, harder sound and is a natural amplifier. Some striking actions are simpler to perform with a pick, like 'throwing' the thumb onto a bass string to get a percussive sound. A significant advantage is that it saves the thumb becoming sore. Bare finger players must practice very regularly in order to develop a thick callous so that they can play in comfort. Generally, picks are easier to get between the strings, so are very efficient for picking individual strings in quick succession.

Several later stylists, like Chet Atkins, strengthened their finger nails. I doubt that many older blues guitarists used this technique, but who can say? Many Texas players favored a plastic thumb pick and bare fingers, often just using one finger of the right hand with incredible dexterity. Blind Blake, the King of Ragtime, seemed to have played with bare fingers and some older bluesmen recalled that he had a hole in his right thumb, where it was rubbed down by the bass strings of his guitar.

The enigmatic Willie Walker, who only recorded two sides in the 20s, was a true master of the ragtime style. His songs feature extremely fast single string runs which seem difficult if using the thumb and index finger one after the other. He probably used a plectrum held between his thumb and finger, using this to
alternate the bass line while picking with one or two fingers.

Finger picks.

I prefer a steel pick, as they can be bent over so that the tip of the pick approximates with the contact point of a bare finger when it hits a string. This means that there's no need to make adjustments for the angle of attack. The plastic variety are generally thicker and protrude a little more, so an adjustment in picking style is required. This is important when playing some songs needing picks, and some that don't, let's say.

Use those bare fingers.

A bare thumb can hook behind a string, pull it away from the body of the guitar and let it snap back, making an accented beat common with some blues techniques. Bare fingers are very accurate and help to produce a bouncy style when playing ragtime music, either Joplin type piano rags or ragtime blues in the style of Blind Blake. The thumb rolls and triplets heard in Blake's music are very difficult to achieve when using finger picks.

There are many, many guitar finger picking techniques and we can use the example of the great guitar masters to help us to develop our own technique.

Tag : guitar,guitar chords,guitar lesson,guitar pick