Tuesday 21 July 2009

A 5 Tip Guide To Choosing The Right Guitar Lessons Website

How would you like to learn to play lead guitar like a modern day rock and roll star? Do you want to be able to bust out incredibly intense solos? If you answered yes to both of these questions then you should really consider taking lead guitar lessons from a reputable teacher or source.

I have been playing guitar for over 20 years now, and if there is one thing I know for sure, it is really better to have some sort of guide; in the form of formal lessons or getting an instructor to mentor you. Learning it on your own can be trial an error like groping in the dark trying to discover the styles and scales by yourself. What's worse is, you might be learning the wrong way and developing bad playing habits that you may have a hard time getting rid of later on. Habits that will hinder you from ever getting any better.

The best approach is to find a reputable teacher or a reputable source to learn lead guitar from, and one of the most convenient ways to learn guitar today is through video tutorials on the internet. But what should you be looking for in a website that offers guitar lessons aside from the lessons they provide?

Personalized Plan

Different people have different ways of learning, and often when they start learning guitar, they have different playing levels; some are absolute beginners; others have a little bit of playing ability; and some who can already play well are looking for a way to improve their skills.

Find a guitar lesson site that doesn't give you a "one-size fits all" deal, because one size simply does not fit all. No one can learn to play the same way. Find a site that can provide you with a personalized lesson plan to match your playing level and to allow you to learn lead guitar at your own pace and give you clear direction.

A Variety of Genres

Many of the best guitarists and musicians claim that one of the things that made them really good at what they do, is the exposure to various musical genres and the opportunity to jam with artists of different music styles. Many guitarists in fact become more versatile and well rounded if exposed to a variety of styles and genres.

When finding a site to get lessons from, find out if they are limited to teaching just one style or genre, or if they offer a variety of playing styles that you can also learn.

Learning Tools

A great guitar lessons site does not just give lessons, but is dedicated to you really learning how to play guitar; and will provide you with all the tools and resources you need. Most of these tools are actually software that members can access over the internet, they could be in the form of digital guitar tuners to help you tune your guitar, a metronome to keep you in time and help you maintain pace and rhythm, a guitar jam feature that allows you to play along with your favorite songs and take care of the guitar parts; and many more. All these contribute to helping an aspiring guitar player, get better. If you are looking for lead guitar lessons that will help your soloing ability, you need these tools.

Teacher Support Online

Many years ago I was listening to this old Scorpions song and the guitar solo had this part which sounded very different from all the other notes. I kept playing the guitar line over and over and trying different ways to get that sound I heard. I tried different ways of striking, plucking, until i finally gave up after several hours of trying to figure out what it was. Some weeks later while fooling around on the guitar I accidentally hit a string with my guitar pick and in that downward stroke, the outer edge of my thumb slight muted that that same string. I thought I heard the sound I was looking for and kept at it, picking the guitar string at different parts. I had finally discovered after several weeks, what an experienced guitar teacher could have taught me in a couple of minutes.. a pinch harmonic. Don't waste time figuring things out, when someone can quickly help you out.

That being said, find a guitar lessons site offers online support, with a guitar teacher ready to take your questions and get your out of that dead end that you find yourself in.

A Free Trial

Guitar lesson sites are like guitar instructors, they each have their own methods, and their own ways of teaching. Before you commit yourself to a site and whip out your credit card to pay for these lessons, find a site that would be happy to give you a free trial. This is your chance to find out if you are comfortable with their setup, and if it is something that you feel would be worth your money.

Finally, regardless of how you learn to play guitar or from what site or who you learn from, remember that the lessons do not make you a better guitar player, you do. The lessons can only show you the way, show you what needs to get done; and how committed you are to doing what is required will decide whether you become a really good guitar player.