Saturday 9 May 2009

Learn Guitar Online - Does It Really Work?

Lots of reasons exist for learning guitar online as opposed to going to a local guitar tutor. First of all, it's generally much cheaper to learn guitar online than to pay for private tuition! Secondly you are able to learn at your own pace which is very important, when you learn guitar online there's no sense of pressure or competition as can be the case in class settings.

When you learn guitar online it's generally done through streaming video which is instantly played back on your computer. Now days most people have fast enough internet connections for this not to present a problem and it's a great way to go. So what should you look for when deciding which learn guitar online website is best to take membership with?

* Check out whatever free sample videos they offer, is the teaching effective and of good quality?

* Read the comments and testimonials from other users, are there lots on display and do they seem genuine?

* Is there a no questions asked money back guarantee?

* Make sure that the music and type of instruction offered on the site matches what you want to eventually play!

* Test out their email support by sending them an email. How long does it take for them to get back to you? Are they friendly and supportive in communication with you?

* Find out what kinds of memberships they are offering. Most will offer a recurring monthly membership but some have a 'lifetime membership' where you pay just once and get free access to all future content. These are generally the best value for money

Thinking back on my own time when first learning to play I would definitely learn guitar online before searching locally for a 1-1 tutor. The main reason is because I now know that a lot of the things for beginner guitar can easily be learnt online.

Learning the basic chord shapes and some strums are easy to accomplish when you learn guitar online without needing the expense of paying for a private tutor to show you, its only after you had spent some months learning on your own that I would consider going to private tutor. By that stage youd know exactly what your playing problems were and have a much better idea of what youd like your tutor to help you with.

When you start and learn guitar online youll avoid wasting unnecessary money on things you can easily do yourself and fully maximize the instruction youll get if you do go for private tuition.

Have a look around, learn guitar online, see what you can find. There are some great sites out there just waiting to give you the skill of playing guitar well. It's quite possible you'll never even need to search for a 'real life' tutor, just make sure the online instruction is clear and at a pace you can understand. Make sure it's effective in teaching you what you want to learn. Most importantly, remember to empower yourself to learn on your own because that's the truest musical freedom you can have.

By: Pauo W Perry

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Unknown said...

The use of online music education is also a good idea to learn to play guitar and the other musical instrument. Aside from these there are also other materials that can be use in learning such as instructional books and dvds that also adds knowledge in every lesson. But if I will be to ask I will always go to music education online.

Thanks by the way for this informative post.