Thursday 6 November 2008

Learn to Play Lead Guitar With the Jamorama Download Guitar Course

Have you ever wanted to play lead guitar like the pros? Using the Jamorama instant download guitar course helps you learn lead guitar and is a fundamental stepping stone to teach you to play smooth lead lines and creative improvisation.

So what is lead guitar and how does Jamorama actually help?

Firstly lead guitar is the ability to play Melody's and instrumental lead breaks in a song by using and understanding scales, double stops and various specialized left handed techniques such as hammer on's, pull off's and slides.

To get an idea of what some of these ideas and techniques can take you, think of slash's solo of sweet child 'o' mine or perhaps Clapton's 2 minute lead breaks on "crossroads" and you will begin to understand just how exciting and satisfying playing lead guitar can be. Not only does playing lead guitar sound great but you also get to be in the limelight (which to be honest is what you really deserve)

Jamorama lead guitar Is a perfect start for beginning lead guitarists. Jamorama takes you from the very fundamentals of naming the strings and basic strumming to some very advanced key/chord relationships and modal ideas.

In my opinion as a guitar teacher this is one of the best lead guitar learning methods on the market today.considering the amount of in depth information and tutoring you receive versus the price you pay Jamorama simply cannot be beaten.

For a full review of the jamorama download lead guitar course and other resources on lead guitar click the link below.


Dave Barnett is a Gutarist and singer who has been writing pop songs for the last ten years, He is also a music teacher and has been involved in various musical groups.

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